Friday, October 18, 2013

Beyond Email: Intro to Using Your Gadgets and the Cloud Synchronize Your Life (contacts, calendars, and to-do info)

If you are still managing your day to day calendar, your contact's, and to-do list in a myriad of paper lists, day planners, and refrigerator calendars than this tip is for you. 

Facebook has introduced people to the idea of creating event's online and inviting people to attend, and many have been doing this at the office for many years.   For many, the use of an email address as a way to contact family members, acquaintances, and co-workers is easier done through social media.  Those doing so have come to see the benefit  creating events and sending out invites, managing contacts, etc., but may not realize you have the ability to do so using the powerful device you carry around in your pocket or the provider you use for your email. 

Below are some examples, benefits, and options as it relates to keeping an address book outside of social media... and the best part, is there are now a lot of tools to tie your address book to your favorite social platform to "sync" information giving you the best of both worlds.   The purpose of this article is to enlighten those are unaware or have interest in making life more efficient by  leveraging devices and services they already have.  

Mobile + PC/Mac + The Internet  =   Synchronized, Always Connected, Your Info Anywhere, anytime

The Cloud is a relative term for the internet, within the context data storage and functionality being done "Online" instead of locally on a PC.  If you are accessing your email via a website, then essentially you are doing so  in s "in the cloud".   We have always have had the mindset of the internet as "www" and Internet Browsers, however unlike 10 years ago the world-wide-web is just one of the ways to interact with and leverage the potential of the internet,; hence the  "The Cloud" is simply a reference to how we access the data and information.   

Mobile Devices & Smartphones: 
Woven into the fabric of our daily lives, smartphone sales have far outpaced the demand for simple cell phone, as tablets will eventually do for laptops and PC's. The smartphone and tablet revolution gave us the APP '(application), which is simply a portal to access information "the cloud", where the interface and functionality relates to specifically to the functionality (i.e. mobile banking ): simplifying and improving the end user experience, addition and minimizing the extra work necessary to conform the restrictions of web-browsers, operating systems etc. 

While the practical benefits of these devices requires little explanation, it is necessary to define their scope for the purpose of this article as it relates getting the most benefit from their user.   In my opinion, innovation and availability of the latest technology has exceeded the pace of which people are able to comprehend, and is the basis for my this article as well as the value proposition and helping those look at the overwhelming landscape of options, and decide what is best suited for their needs and availability.   

Web-Based Email 
In addition to smartphones and Tablets, many people have web-based email Gmail, Yahoo, Apple, Hotmail,  AOL etc for many years.  Since all email is email is in the cloud since it's coming over the Internet, it again comes down to how that information is accessed and the easy of which is can be synchronized between different devices.  While nearly all email providers offer the "Standardized" protocols (methods of  transferring data back and forth) most people are using one of these major providers, which have the added benefit of native connection special configuration and 3rd party software)  with major device model and operating systems (iOS, Android, Windows, etc)  NOTE:  It is important to note that as of the last few years, the battle for market share has had an impact on the consumer (e,g, - Syncing more than just email with  Gmail has become a little bit more difficult on iOS and popular Desktop Clients such as Microsoft Outlook.  I have  done extensive research and configuration on a variety of system in order for various scenarios and can help you achieve the desired result.  

The benefits to using desktop, web (cloud), and mobile device together:


  • Create On-Time or recurring appointments or "meetings" (birthday parties, work events, etc.)"
  • Set a "lead" reminder - how long beforehand you wish to be reminded of th meeting
  • "Invite" co-workers, family, friends using thier email address - automatically sends email with meeting dettails
  • Invitees with calendar can  automatically receive the appointment and can "Accept", "Decline". or Indicate "Tentative" attendance
  • Meeting responses are automatically updated on your calendar (automating/eliminating the need for RSVP)
  • Changes, updates etc. (e.g. new time, or additional details) are automatically sent to atteendees
  • Create Public Calendars or Subscribe to Public Calendars (e.g. Office Event Schedule)
Contacts/Address Book -  More Than Just Firstname and Lastname 
  • Email Addresses
  • Phone Numbers / Fax Numbers / Work Numbers
  • Addresses Info 
  • Birthdays
  • Spouse, Groups, and Relational info (i.e. "friends" or "The Smith Family"


  • Create one-time or reoccurring reminders
  • Set the "lead" time for warning
  • Included in your daily "Agenda" or view customized view
  • Some applicatiions such as Outlook allow you to "Assign" tasks, or send "Status Reports"

What about inter-compatibility?

These days, inter-platform (Android smartphone, Mac desktop, Gmail Account) is an entirely feasible problem.  While a lot of devices account for this, often there may be a certain piece of functionality that one does not offer or allow you to "sync" with.

At SimpleAssist, we can provide you with a myriad of options for bringing this together.   Visit for additional tips or r Contact Us today for a free consultation!

Using Microsoft Office 365 Subscription and iDevices or other devices? There ARE Apps for that!

I am  a MS Office 365 2013 subscriber, an iDevice user, and someone who likes when applications and hardware play nice together.   (The other day I posted a method to sync Outlook 2013 365 edition with your Google Apps account).  

If you of fan of Excel, Word, PowerPoint, etc. Microsoft's 365 suite a pretty decent offering (basic plan allows you to install on up to 5 machines for a low monthly price).  These cloud based options can be scaled from home, education needs, or even to small and medium size businesses who need MS Exchange, VoIP Phone Solutions etc, all available with the "Cloud-based" Subscription model. 

So, as with everything these days, how about the mobile device versions?  For me, a search of the App Store yielded nothing.  It wasn't until I was reviewing my account online that I noticed the option to download "Mobile" versions, and realized Apple is allowing app developers a "proprietary-ish" deliver system. 

Therefore, if you are interested in using MS Office on your mobile device (Android, iPhone/iPad or Windows Mobile) then you can visit the link below from your device to be taken directly to where you need to be for downloading.  

Anyhow, if you subscribe to MS Office 365 and are looking for the mobile apps, the direct link is included below! (Alternatively, you can sign into your Office365 account and select MOBILE from the main page).

Direct Link to Office 2013 

Monday, October 14, 2013

SimpleAssist - Daily Tech Tip: Syncing Google Apps with MS Outlook 2013

Syncing Google Apps with MS Outlook 2013 "Click to Run" (AKA Microsoft Office 365 online) - Workaround

Are you using Microsoft Office 365 2013 viz their monthly subscription?  If you are a fan of of Google Apps and Google Apps Sync as well, you have likely figured out it is not supported with Microsoft's Subscription model: MS Outlook 2013 365 (click to run).  

It make's sense that you might.   If you're a fan of Outlook, but see the writing on the wall in all things Google, their wacky little feuds (e.g. Apps Sync runs fine on all other versions of office), in my opinion  have been "bad for business"... small business that is, who enjoy the reduced pricing and added benefit of easy deployment in order to use the popular, business standard (for now) Microsoft Office products (Outlook in particular) viz a low monthly subscription for "Desktop" use, who are also intrigued in the cloud based Google Apps and it's many attractive qualities:  easy of use, user familiarity, scope of applications  and the ability to work on nearly every device out there.  

For those folks who just don't want to give up Outlook, I have included a link to a "workaround" that will enable you to do sync Outlook with Google Apps Sync.  
Like any workaround  while not "officially supported" it is is reliable, and from everything I've seen, seems to be the only free option available. 

Office 2013 Click to Run / Google Apps Sync Instructions - 

Note: SimpleAssist no responsibility for any instructional that is not specifically the direct intellectual property it's author(s).  

This author does however, attest to the fact that it worked for him without issue for several months, and would not post it otherwise.  I monitored this group as they worked through it, and I'm happy someone posted and saved me the steps.  I am doing it again currently, after a fresh install


Derek Shocklee