Friday, November 1, 2013

XBMC Home Theather - All the Media in the World with an "Open Source" Home Theater solution

Please click here or on the image above for more information about XBMC.  
XBMC is an amazing, open source home theater software that goes beyond simple "media management: offering functionality to not only all of your stored media (purchased videos, music, photos) and online accounts (e.g. Yahoo! Amazon Prime), but providing you a centralized platform to discover media (movies, TV shows, music, and much more) providing access to content all over the world. 

Device Support*

XBMC support installation on a wide range of devices, from PC to MAC, to Android and iDevices**. I have copied the list of supported devices from the website. 

Click here or on the image above to be taken to the website. 

Installation and Configuration Instructions

After Installing, and configuring XMBC was once a bit more complicated, with the nearly endless array of options and add-ons available.   Now, thanks to XBMC HUB WIZARD which provides a very simple, quick utility to install the most popular add ins. 

* Unless previously contracted and agreed, SimpleAssistme advises readers that by using the information contained on this blog, and related sites, you  are doing so "at your own risk".   This blog is an "Informational " resource only to provide to readers with ideas and external resources, with their own policies etc. However, SimpleAssist makes no guarantee nor claims responsibility for any result, intended or otherwise, to a reader utilizing software and information from external sites  made available by SimpleAssist.  

Friday, October 18, 2013

Beyond Email: Intro to Using Your Gadgets and the Cloud Synchronize Your Life (contacts, calendars, and to-do info)

If you are still managing your day to day calendar, your contact's, and to-do list in a myriad of paper lists, day planners, and refrigerator calendars than this tip is for you. 

Facebook has introduced people to the idea of creating event's online and inviting people to attend, and many have been doing this at the office for many years.   For many, the use of an email address as a way to contact family members, acquaintances, and co-workers is easier done through social media.  Those doing so have come to see the benefit  creating events and sending out invites, managing contacts, etc., but may not realize you have the ability to do so using the powerful device you carry around in your pocket or the provider you use for your email. 

Below are some examples, benefits, and options as it relates to keeping an address book outside of social media... and the best part, is there are now a lot of tools to tie your address book to your favorite social platform to "sync" information giving you the best of both worlds.   The purpose of this article is to enlighten those are unaware or have interest in making life more efficient by  leveraging devices and services they already have.  

Mobile + PC/Mac + The Internet  =   Synchronized, Always Connected, Your Info Anywhere, anytime

The Cloud is a relative term for the internet, within the context data storage and functionality being done "Online" instead of locally on a PC.  If you are accessing your email via a website, then essentially you are doing so  in s "in the cloud".   We have always have had the mindset of the internet as "www" and Internet Browsers, however unlike 10 years ago the world-wide-web is just one of the ways to interact with and leverage the potential of the internet,; hence the  "The Cloud" is simply a reference to how we access the data and information.   

Mobile Devices & Smartphones: 
Woven into the fabric of our daily lives, smartphone sales have far outpaced the demand for simple cell phone, as tablets will eventually do for laptops and PC's. The smartphone and tablet revolution gave us the APP '(application), which is simply a portal to access information "the cloud", where the interface and functionality relates to specifically to the functionality (i.e. mobile banking ): simplifying and improving the end user experience, addition and minimizing the extra work necessary to conform the restrictions of web-browsers, operating systems etc. 

While the practical benefits of these devices requires little explanation, it is necessary to define their scope for the purpose of this article as it relates getting the most benefit from their user.   In my opinion, innovation and availability of the latest technology has exceeded the pace of which people are able to comprehend, and is the basis for my this article as well as the value proposition and helping those look at the overwhelming landscape of options, and decide what is best suited for their needs and availability.   

Web-Based Email 
In addition to smartphones and Tablets, many people have web-based email Gmail, Yahoo, Apple, Hotmail,  AOL etc for many years.  Since all email is email is in the cloud since it's coming over the Internet, it again comes down to how that information is accessed and the easy of which is can be synchronized between different devices.  While nearly all email providers offer the "Standardized" protocols (methods of  transferring data back and forth) most people are using one of these major providers, which have the added benefit of native connection special configuration and 3rd party software)  with major device model and operating systems (iOS, Android, Windows, etc)  NOTE:  It is important to note that as of the last few years, the battle for market share has had an impact on the consumer (e,g, - Syncing more than just email with  Gmail has become a little bit more difficult on iOS and popular Desktop Clients such as Microsoft Outlook.  I have  done extensive research and configuration on a variety of system in order for various scenarios and can help you achieve the desired result.  

The benefits to using desktop, web (cloud), and mobile device together:


  • Create On-Time or recurring appointments or "meetings" (birthday parties, work events, etc.)"
  • Set a "lead" reminder - how long beforehand you wish to be reminded of th meeting
  • "Invite" co-workers, family, friends using thier email address - automatically sends email with meeting dettails
  • Invitees with calendar can  automatically receive the appointment and can "Accept", "Decline". or Indicate "Tentative" attendance
  • Meeting responses are automatically updated on your calendar (automating/eliminating the need for RSVP)
  • Changes, updates etc. (e.g. new time, or additional details) are automatically sent to atteendees
  • Create Public Calendars or Subscribe to Public Calendars (e.g. Office Event Schedule)
Contacts/Address Book -  More Than Just Firstname and Lastname 
  • Email Addresses
  • Phone Numbers / Fax Numbers / Work Numbers
  • Addresses Info 
  • Birthdays
  • Spouse, Groups, and Relational info (i.e. "friends" or "The Smith Family"


  • Create one-time or reoccurring reminders
  • Set the "lead" time for warning
  • Included in your daily "Agenda" or view customized view
  • Some applicatiions such as Outlook allow you to "Assign" tasks, or send "Status Reports"

What about inter-compatibility?

These days, inter-platform (Android smartphone, Mac desktop, Gmail Account) is an entirely feasible problem.  While a lot of devices account for this, often there may be a certain piece of functionality that one does not offer or allow you to "sync" with.

At SimpleAssist, we can provide you with a myriad of options for bringing this together.   Visit for additional tips or r Contact Us today for a free consultation!

Using Microsoft Office 365 Subscription and iDevices or other devices? There ARE Apps for that!

I am  a MS Office 365 2013 subscriber, an iDevice user, and someone who likes when applications and hardware play nice together.   (The other day I posted a method to sync Outlook 2013 365 edition with your Google Apps account).  

If you of fan of Excel, Word, PowerPoint, etc. Microsoft's 365 suite a pretty decent offering (basic plan allows you to install on up to 5 machines for a low monthly price).  These cloud based options can be scaled from home, education needs, or even to small and medium size businesses who need MS Exchange, VoIP Phone Solutions etc, all available with the "Cloud-based" Subscription model. 

So, as with everything these days, how about the mobile device versions?  For me, a search of the App Store yielded nothing.  It wasn't until I was reviewing my account online that I noticed the option to download "Mobile" versions, and realized Apple is allowing app developers a "proprietary-ish" deliver system. 

Therefore, if you are interested in using MS Office on your mobile device (Android, iPhone/iPad or Windows Mobile) then you can visit the link below from your device to be taken directly to where you need to be for downloading.  

Anyhow, if you subscribe to MS Office 365 and are looking for the mobile apps, the direct link is included below! (Alternatively, you can sign into your Office365 account and select MOBILE from the main page).

Direct Link to Office 2013 

Monday, October 14, 2013

SimpleAssist - Daily Tech Tip: Syncing Google Apps with MS Outlook 2013

Syncing Google Apps with MS Outlook 2013 "Click to Run" (AKA Microsoft Office 365 online) - Workaround

Are you using Microsoft Office 365 2013 viz their monthly subscription?  If you are a fan of of Google Apps and Google Apps Sync as well, you have likely figured out it is not supported with Microsoft's Subscription model: MS Outlook 2013 365 (click to run).  

It make's sense that you might.   If you're a fan of Outlook, but see the writing on the wall in all things Google, their wacky little feuds (e.g. Apps Sync runs fine on all other versions of office), in my opinion  have been "bad for business"... small business that is, who enjoy the reduced pricing and added benefit of easy deployment in order to use the popular, business standard (for now) Microsoft Office products (Outlook in particular) viz a low monthly subscription for "Desktop" use, who are also intrigued in the cloud based Google Apps and it's many attractive qualities:  easy of use, user familiarity, scope of applications  and the ability to work on nearly every device out there.  

For those folks who just don't want to give up Outlook, I have included a link to a "workaround" that will enable you to do sync Outlook with Google Apps Sync.  
Like any workaround  while not "officially supported" it is is reliable, and from everything I've seen, seems to be the only free option available. 

Office 2013 Click to Run / Google Apps Sync Instructions - 

Note: SimpleAssist no responsibility for any instructional that is not specifically the direct intellectual property it's author(s).  

This author does however, attest to the fact that it worked for him without issue for several months, and would not post it otherwise.  I monitored this group as they worked through it, and I'm happy someone posted and saved me the steps.  I am doing it again currently, after a fresh install


Derek Shocklee

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Cyber Security Part 2 - Reality Check

Malicious Code:   Serious Business

Viruses and malware are arguably are one of the biggest threats to our way of life in this country.   Wow, dramatic stuff eh?

Right now we are in the glorious period of Internet Utopia where everything and anything can be found online, but as we all know from our experience with human nature, where there is money to be spent and made, there will be those who go about it dishonestly.

In fact, one the foremost major concerns for the US Government and major CyberSecurity firms are organized "Cyber Attacks" such as a DOS (Denial of Service):  An infection that comes in through one of the methods I will mention below, typically called a BOT and instead of throwing up adds based on your website history (like Malaware), this little software program is what opens the door for malaware, spyware, and very serious malicious tools that can often stay under the radar, install other programs, and consume system resources.  However, it's the scary fact that they can also unknowingly "slave" your computer into doing things without your knowledge!

So, (and this is reality) imagine millions of computers infected with a particular bot that's been waiting like a "sleeper cell" to carry out it's mission, which is not being caught by your Virus/Malware protection since many folks don't scan specifically for this type of threat; They lay dormant, until activated and suddenly the machine is completely taken over (sometimes without the user ever realizing it) and takes over your email account and other programs, and with the army of those other millions computers, brings down an entire website from what I can only liken to a bolt of lightning hitting a transformer.

The good news is that tech insiders and the folks at major cyber security firms, the US Government under Homeland Defense oversees counter cyber threats and ranks the current Cyber threat level.

They could probably be doing more to educate people, but that is a subjective statement at best.  What I believe they do understand is that these type of attacks arguably make up for the biggest threats we face as a nation from a terrorism standpoint and (our entire infrastructure is connected to computers) a work together with industry insiders to combat those who would do us harm and use their knowledge for evil.  (Note to prospective College Students: Forget I/T as a degree, the need for I/T people will reduce significantly over the next few years. Cyber Security is where it is going to be at in this century.)

So, why is this important to you?   It is important, because much like "see something / say something" (fundamentally) we are all responsible for protecting ourselves and making sure we understand the different type of computer related infections, what needs to be done to prevent them, and how the dynamics are changing.  Furthermore, it doesn't have to be difficult or inexpensive!

What types of Malicious Software Should I be Concerned About?

Bots, Warez, Spyware... oh My! 
Well, we've all heard the different terms. Here's a great summery of the different types of infections which are currently out there. Jimmy Ray Purser explains it nicely.

Staying Safe / Methods of Protection / Tips Part 2 (Part 3 will have additional information. You can also contact me for a free assessment)

While there are a ton of software providers out there offering "system cleaners" and "Full Service Protection" at varying pricing levels. As I have mentioned before, for every one of those "paid" services, there are 3 free/alternative to subscription model methods that can minimize your investment.


Don't let a program change your firewall exceptions unless you know for sure it's safe.  Part 3 of this series will have my specific recommendations, but check out this video from Jimmy Ray Purser to find out exactly what a firewall does! 

NOTE:  Beware of pop ups and system cleaners. They are especially untrustworthy in my opinion and are usually downloaded as the result of a fake popup that makes you think your virus/firewall program is warning you!

Email - Email - Email

When you receive an email with pictures in it, that photo is stored on a website and your email program has to go get it. Not only does this open you up to downloading something unintentionally, it's also the way marketers track whether you open, read, delete, or respond to an email.   Set your email program to only download pictures from safe senders (people you trust).


Often, because it's easier to create a domain and an email address that looks similar to the real thing, and even post a fake website that looks exactly like the real thing, Spoofs are a huge way to get hacked as they are looking to collect sensitive information by tricking you into filling it out.   Everyone has come close to this I believe, as they look very rule.  If you remember the tips below, you'll be WAY ahead of the game.

   Here is an example of a spoof below (Click on Photo for additional information on spoofing):


These are what you want to check:

  • Look at the email header or url (if you clicked to open it):  It may be very close (e.g. vs.   Remember, anyone can change the FROM to what they want or setup a domain (e.g. - they go after spelling errors often).  If you suspect the email is a spoof, you should contact the institution.
  • Does it say Dear Customer or does it have your first or last name?  Spammers buy email addresses or use programs that just mass send to different variations on domains, so it's rare to get a spoof that says Dear Joe/Jane from a spoofer .  THIS IS ONE OF THE BIGGEST INDICATORS
  • No reputable company will ever ask you for your SSN or CC/Banking Info (And the spammers are wising up to that, which is why they have you go to a fake web page).  
  • Check out sites like who validates internet fact and fiction  

Downloading and Opening Files

Probably the most common way of getting viruses these days is through downloading a file be it email or via the Internet.


For email, it's pretty well known you don't open any files from anyone you don't know, and never anything that is an executable (like an .exe file).   Also, since people often get their accounts hacked, being vigilant on what you do open is critical.  Always DOWNLOAD the file from the email BEFORE opening and THEN right click to scan with your virus scanner.    (some email programs do this automatically, but it can't hurt.  If you don't know, Google is your friend


Even I've gotten caught up in this one lately.   Freeware or trial-ware can be a double edge sword, as companies like have gone to a system that basically trades you a free program, and tries to slip things like TOOLBARS (Toolbars are virus magnets and completely unnecessary these days)

You can usually find the actual file with some digging but this is again where it's critical to SCAN your file before opening or unzipping.   The download managers even try to give you reasons why they need to be a "middleman" between you and the file that you want.   The trickiest one I've seen was a program where if I didn't click under advanced options (which usually gives you specific things related to the program setup) I would have never seen that the advanced options were INSTALL TOOLBAR, SET MY HOMEPAGE, ETC.



Stay tuned for PART 3:  SimpleAssist Program Tips!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

"Something's Wrong with My PC/Phone/Mac/Technology"

"Something's Wrong with My PC/Phone/Mac/Technology"

Before you download something from a commercial that promises to clean your PC, check with an expert who can give you a free consult!

For me, realizing how overwhelming it is when working on the varying needs of those customers who sometimes don't really know if there is an answer to their question, or if the question they should be asking make sense!  If you are treated like that, than you are not finding the right person.  .

My real mission is to provide people with a better overall understanding of technology fundementals in order to save money  get the most out of what you have.

How do I know if I have a Virus? 

If your computer is doing things it shouldn't, you may have a virus or some type of malaware!   (Malaware are generally classified as programs that infect the computers to monitor and control the way you shop.  Viruses can do unimaginable things from copying your private access to turning your computer into a "sleeper cell" to attack other machines.

The following is a brief overview of how to identify  protect, insure yourself against viruses and data loss.

CyberSecurity "To pay or not to Pay"  -  
With so many "fix it for $29.95" option available, I hear people asking me constantly "what is safe?" (parents, if you have kids in college looking for a major, cyber security is the one to recommend) or "why are their TV commercials ??   "Will it be more trouble than it's worth?" or my least favorite " It's probably cheaper if I just buy a new machine."

Answer)  Backup your data to an external device or reputable online backup service (such as Carbonite)  Beware of System Doctors / Registry Cleaners / and always TRY before you buy.  There are a myriad of cost effective and even FREE options out there depending on what your problems ares!

This become ever more apparent after some of the more well known companies started trying to "slip the their antivirus software" into another install (Java, Flash), acting like the malawaye creators they are trying to protect their clients from.

Their are the programs out there which are developed by "open-source" programmers which meet or even exceed popular virus scanners such as McAfee (r)  and Norton(R) (among the many whose systems are more expensive and take up significant amounts of previous computer resources; just Google "Free Antivirus" and see the Top 10... but do your homework).  

You are paying for peace of mind, they are paying for market-share.   I'm not saying its all bad, but the beauty of the internet is the ingenuity of those out there who are working for reasons other than money, and a testament to capitalism in and of itself!

The following is not a one-size fits all to repair - it's a represnative piece on the way to think and problem solve a problem.  I am always available to help poin you in the right direction!

.2.  Ok, I'm infected... what do I do!?

A) Disconnect your computer from the internet immediately, and reboot the computer in safe mode (tap F8 while it's booting up.  The first thing to do is reduce the most common denominator  so since the internet is where it came from  disabling the internet for now can only help.

B) The next thing you want to do is sign off the computer and when the startup screen starts popping up, tap F8 repeatedly for additional options and boot in SAFE MODE.  At this point, run your virus scan and see what it does.  If it cleans the files, then start in SAFE MODE WITH NETWORKING and try duplicating the problem.  

C)  Once you know where you stand, you'll be in a much better position to know you have to do.  Chances are, you have to disable a few tool bars, uninstall some programs, and make some small changes.   However, a full diagnostic is highly recommend by someone who knows what they are looking for.  If your computer is DOA, usually the worst case scenario because system files were corrupted by the  virus and reinstalling the OS will overwrites them system.

 However, while it won't likely come to this, don't worry if it does:   this procedure only makes you reinstall your software but does not remove your exiting data!   Even if you don't know all of your license keys to reinstall some  programs, there are tools out there like Magic Jelly Bean that can help you find them.  

D)  From a safe computer, begin changing your passwords.   Remember, viruses and malaware record Keystrokes!

Additional Measures

Even if you are the most elementary user of technology, I can give you some hints on what is available, proven, and inexpensive to keep your computer safe.  There are fundamental things to understand to realize how you get viruses, how they can hurt you, and how you can prevent them from happening again.

Eventually, I'll be able to post more of these online but for now, I invite you to read something I put together during a complicated virus removal..

A “Non Techie” Guide to Disabling Java and Removing Possible Viruses:

I am also at your service anytime, and I invite you to ask for a SimpleAssist:  518.290.7079 or 845.430.7650. 

Best Regards,


Sunday, June 16, 2013

Fathers Day: Using Technology to Find that Special Moment

Finding the faces and the places for the digital story of our lives

In his new age of an endless digital  documentation of all those special moments that we yearn to hold on too, brings on a whole new set of challenges.  Taking pictures is part of the fiber that is our humanity, allowing us in some small way,  to defy the inevitable tick-tock of the clock and time marching on by and giving us a way to "freeze" a moment; and with it, a visual and emotional capture that will never be forgotten,  for better or for worse, as time rolls on.  

Those who came before us had to rely on painters and artists, and when the first photography equipment became available to the the masses in the 19th century it offered everyone an opportunity to enjoy this "catalog" of the moments that make up our existence.  

 On this fathers day, I was reminded of this and while I may be feeling a bit philosophical, I am reminded of the challenges of our time that are unlike those before us, who were restricted by means or ability. W are lucky to be a great freedom n this country to take photographs of what we choose and have the technological means to store them within a medium and at a point in time with endless possibilities. 

As I searched for pictures of my Dad, looking for that one special moment that captures what I cannot say with words, I was excited about where this technology is taking us... as it cannot be denied that the story of our lives is not without the headache of the time it takes to keep it organized  in hectic times. 

As one who sees technology a tool for the should benefit the quality of life for all,  I am forever excited about the new possibilities on the horizon.

Alas, I must spare you the philosopher and provide you with a  tip, or inspiration on this special Holiday. When you take a picture digitally, know that it can store information that can turn the search of finding the right picture on your hard drive or cloud from a full day project to a few second  search - freeing you up to spend those minutes and seconds of life more wisely.  

In future posts, I will add a list with descriptions of programs that do this well, and the latest on this technology, but for today let's keep it simple for those who don't know.  If you are a PC user (although this these technologies are available for all devices)  I recommend downloading Windows Essentials - a suite of free programs from Microsoft to make the process simpler.  

Simply import your photos to your computer, open them in Windows Live Photo Gallery, and start playing with the tools that will make organizing, editing, and finding pictures that much easier.  They have managed to create something that is both feature rich, powerful, and easy to use regardless of skill level. 

(Click to Enlarge)
Make Finding Pictures Easier with Windows Live Photo Gallery

So when I needed to find pictures of my Dad and I, I simply had to tag the faces of a few shots.  Photo Gallery started asking about other pictures, and by using QUICK SEARCH FILTERS (e.g. date taken, time etc.) I was able show all pictures in a certain year, and able to find that special photo that said it all.  

This recommendation and article is more of a philosophical and inspirational one - of  how technology makes our lives better...  There are many programs that do this, but I wanted to share a personal experience it's my passion to make lives easier....   But for now, it's time to go be a Dad!

Derek Shocklee

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Tech Tip: Need to Visualize Your Hard Drive for Cleaning it Up or Maintenance?

Visualizing Your Hard Drive

June  13, 2013 (Originally Posted)
Ever wonder where the files taking up your hard drive? Recently I began wondering after I found myself frustrated that I had filled up nearly the entire terabyte on my laptop, and having lost the cord to my 2T external... :-)I started thinking... how difficult is it in this modern world to figure out where your large files are?  I mean, we know the files that we don't want to delete are usually stored (pics, videos etc) but to have to go to each folder on the computer and to view the size, I figured there had to be something better, figured that it had to be "visual" and did some digging.

I will be adding this to my TOP TIP category...  check it out! 

Click here to read a review by tech a writer who reviewed Graphical Hard Drive Interface programs that can help you "road-map" your hard drive, so you can make freeing up your hard drive (and your life)... a little easier. 

My Recommendation:  WinDirStat: Windows Directory Statistics - WinDirStat (WDS) is a disk usage statistics viewer and cleanup tool for Windows. It shows disk, file and directory sizes in a treelist as well as graphically in a treemap.  It's fairly simple to use, and get's the job done! 

Website for WinDirStat:

Direct Download Link (SourceForge): 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Tip of the Day: Don’t Type when you don’t have to!


Tired of typing out your long email address or other redundant info (especially on your mobile device)?   Here are a few options for PC / iPhone* users.  

Note:  Feel free to visit or contact me for technology assistance!

Google Chrome Advanced Sync Settings
Option 1: Chrome = Internet Data Ubiquity  

It is the little things that make Chrome In a league of its own with unique functionality, or functionality that is just more elegant (such as spell check while you type, or easy translation of foreign websites).


Chrome "use it everywhere you have Internet" functionality is based on the current sea change and  Google's philosophy of the "cloud", expanding online capabilities replace the necessity for powerful hardware and simplifying mobile interaction.  In fact, best way to think of Chrome is as a contained operating system within itself.  You can download apps and plug ins from the home screen, and it is by far the most feature rich browser available.  If you’ve used FireFox, then you’ll find there is a similar feel. 
Google(R) recently launched a commercial campaign about Chrome's "everywhere" data access to sync information anywhere you  download the app or install the browser.  Download CHROME internet browser APP.  If you are using another browser, you'll be prompted to import bookmarks, etc. from your existing browsers.  

Chrome allows you to sync all your details (bookmarks, saved passwords, logins) with your desktop installation, and has tight control and security. for you to select what can be synced, and doing it securely.  


For example, when you fill it out your personal information into a website (name, email, address, etc.)  Chrome will associate that with your user account.   The Auto-fill (if enabled) will automatically prompt you to populate this information the next time it detects you filling out a similar form.  
Option 2 – iPhone* Shortcuts


 iPhone has a really great feature under GENERAL – KEYBOARD settings where you can create shortcuts in addition to the built in ones (such as OMW for On My Way!). 

Select SETTINGS / GENERAL / KEYBOARD/ SHORTCUTS to view and create shortcuts. Create a new shortcut and type in the phase (e.g. and then the shortcut -  (e.g. dsgm).   The autocorrect does the rest! Great for email addresses, account codes, or anything except passwords!  

About; Derek Shocklee is a technology consultant, and has spent this career finding ways to simplify day to day life for home and small businesses with cost-effective technology solutions for any level of experience! 

*similar functionality available for other platforms - contact me for more information

Note:  Feel free to visit or email for technology questions, consulting, diagnostics and more!

Derek Shocklee
21st Century Tech Expert
email me:

Saturday, January 26, 2013