Tuesday, December 2, 2014

SimpleAssist Technology Phone Scam Alert

Telephone Scam - Beware!

NOTE: More informatiom will be forthcoming, including the audio of the conversation.  Stay tuned, however for now if anyone calls you saying they are associated with @Microsoft, advising that they are a #Microsoftpartner we advise that you ask for a call back number and contac us at helpme@simpleassistme.com or 518.290.7079

Yesterday morning I received a call from a company claiming that they were partners with #Microsoft and they had information leading them to believe my IP address was hacked. 

This wasn't the first time this situation had happened.  In 2014  someone in our neighborhood in #upstateny was regularly receiving similar type calls and was ultimately #hacked AND charged $500.00 when they masqueraded as legit Microsoft technicians. They hired @SimpleAssist me, and oneThey attempted to continue contacting the family  until I happened to be there one day. 

In both instances, they were very convincing however when I explained that I was a Microsoft partner,  they persisted.  It was not until I asked them some technical questions and advised my background, asking them for their contact info and details on Microsoft partner program that they did what I expected and they immediately disconnected the call.-

A few minutes ago I  received a call from a customer who recently experienced a similar call and filed a police report.  the same scenario

Obviously with all the consumer demand for holiday deals, awareness is Paramount so the purpose of this bulletin to advise readers and followers of SimpleAssist to not give ANY info to someone calling you saying you have been compromised before verifying. Doing so would allow the hacker to correlate.  More information will follow shortly. 

Here is a Microsoft bulletin on phone scams. 


NOTE:  An audio example of the recorded conversation will be posted shortly

Monday, December 1, 2014

RetailMeNot Mobile Coupons App for iPhone and Android

SimpleAssist - SimplEassistme.com LifeSync App Spottlight - There are many coupon type of sites of all shapes and sizes. However, this is one where i have had the best results and can put my stamp of approval in terms of it's repubutibility. As a #technogyconsultant, having removed MANY a #computerinfection caused by some type of #couponprinter #toolbar or some software that offers you discounts, like a #couponmanager, Why all the peramble? Because today is a day to be carefui as scammers are out in force (I will be detaling that in a few momentsm careful about reommending apps or services which seemingly offer something for nothing. Whether your here in The Catskill Mountains or on the California Breed, nobody want's software tracking their habits and opening up their system to possibly more sinister #malware which is tracking your habbits and potentially opening up to more sinsister infection. Let's face it, why would you need software to print a coupon!? Anyhow, I learned from my better half a few years back, one who never pays full price for anything online, about Retailmenot.com several years ago. Many are familiar with apps such as #Groupon, however RetailMeNot is a brilliantly simple concept where users are able post coupon codes / promo codes that they have received via email, a reward system etc. which are used while checking out in the "Enter #CouponCode / #PromoCode while #onlineshopping. It could be free shipping, to buy one get one, to a percentage off but here's the best part; not only is it s super simple to use, you can save precious time by reviewing the detail assoicated with the coupon such as the expiration, restrictions etc. The most important piece, in my opinion, is that there is a "voting/ranking" system that gives you a Rotten Tomatoes type rank of how likely it is to work and any type of problems others have experienced in order to do so. If there is not a coupon code, there may be a aink that takes you directly to the retailer website. For me, this adds a level of legitimacy as I know they are taking me to the actual store. As a side note to safety, as I always tell my clients - always watch the address bar (www....) on any site to make sure when you click a link you are going to a legitmate page. Many spoofs will setup a domain and copy a site's look and feel to steal your credit card info, simply because you were redirected to a link that looks almost exactly the same but is slightly off ( e.g. faceboo instead of facebook or .org instead of .com). Beware of sites that want you to do something in order to see the coupon code. As you are on the go, Retailmenot now has a brand new app that lets you find deals on the fly. Additional Tips for #cybermonday and #holidayshopping 1. Download the store app of wherever you will be shopping. Also, Amazon has a great tool for price comparison. 2. Use apps like Google Goggles search for item barcodes, QR codes - check out http://ift.tt/1y5AW8I for instant price comparisons (certain retailers will price match based on this) 3. Beware of scams. If you suspect something isn't right, for the Holiday Season, SimpleAssist will offer free evals on questions related to techology based shopping and scams! Feel free to contact us directly at help@simpleassistme.com or even better, post a reply here!

via SimpleAssist - SimplEassistme.com http://ift.tt/Tg8UX9