Monday, March 31, 2014

Windows XP users - April 8th “End of Life” Deadline - SimpleAssist Blog Guide Coming Soon (and Why It’s Important)

As a continuation to an earlier Facebook post, and in an effort to help those make sense and make the best decision possible for their needs, a tip guide is forthcoming on the SimpleAssist blog (  It will offer a roadmap to disseminate all information, rumors,  breakdown of several different recommendations in anticipation of what to expect before and after the Windows XP April 8 deadline.   The most important concern is security and the biggest question will likely be, “do I need a new computer or can I upgrade my own” as outlined below.

  NOTE:  While I have never asked anybody to do this, honestly if you know someone who uses a Windows XP computer please forward this post to them advising them to like this Facebook  page or follow the SimpleAssist blog or Social Portal so they can access the guide, receive real-time updates in order help offset the rumors and the misleading information that is floating around out there.   Furthermore, there are some simple things that need to be done BEFORE April 8th, in order to make sure you are safe; especially if you will be unable to upgrade/purchase Windows within the next 8 days.  

What is Windows is Windows “End of Life”?
For those who are not aware, Windows  "end of life" simply means that Microsoft® is longer supporting or releasing important security patches or updates the Windows XP operating system after April 8th 2014.

Why is this Important?
There are serious security concerns (see prior Facebook post) that could an impact the integrity of your data, and the ability to migrate data, files, and programs over to Windows 8.1; regardless of whether you are upgrading an existing computer, or purchasing a new computer pre-loaded with latest version.  Ensuring your computer is virus free, safely backed up etc.  will be the necessary no matter what,  as upgrading the existing computer requires a CLEAN INSTALL (removes settings, files, etc.), and buying a new computer is a “clean” (relatively speaking), thus requiring the same.  The guide will provide  a myriad of options that are little to no cost, and as well as additional resources for information.

What will the Guide Cover?

1.       Pre-deadline measures / No Panic Decisions / Using XP Post Deadline

April 8th is not far away, but NO NEED TO PANIC -  there are some specific steps to prepare your machine in anticipation of the deadline to make sure your computer is safe, prepared for transition, and  better protected AFTER the deadline.   The guide will offer these tips and should be done whichever route you decide to go.   For most,  these steps can be DIY,  and simply require downloading some NO COST programs from Microsoft and other providers (virus checks, etc.) and need to be done prior to April 8th, 2014. 

Again, the  tasks mentioned above are imperative in order to make sure your data is safe and in order to give you peace of mind and extra time to decide what option for upgrading your Windows machine / purchasing new Windows Computer will work for you!    

Obviously, these are stop-gap measures are NOT ideal or recommend as a long-term term solution, but it takes the pressure off quite a bit,  and can hopefully offset the pressure of the deadline for those who sell computers and software will be using to create Urgency in order sell products and services you may not need. 

2.        Purchasing a new Windows 8.1 computer  VS. keeping your existing device and buying an upgrade to windows 8
 incidentally, this is where there will be a lot of " misconception" that I hope to clear up.  Windows 8 was designed to run on mobile devices and has excellent compatibility features to run older Windows XP programs that you no longer have the installation media or don't wish that to upgrade. Depending on your specific situation note that many computers, especially ones within the last 5 years, should have no problem meeting the minimum requirements of Windows 8.1, as detailed below:

Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster with support for PAE, NX, and SSE2 (more info)
RAM: 1 gigabyte (GB) (32-bit) or 2 GB (64-bit)
Hard disk space: 16 GB (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit)
Graphics card: Microsoft DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM driver

3.       Peace of Mind - Advice, insight, and tips to simplify the process and potential pitfalls

Regardless of which direction you decide to go, the pitfalls and preparation are the same.   In the section I will detail some myths and things that people say did tell you what is better than the other, will it really comes down to which option is best for you based on how you use your computer.

There are tons of scams, malware and a big rise in things like RANSOM WARE out there right now targeted at this Windows “end of life deadline: with gaping holes in the Windows architecture if you haven't been updating automatically, and with no more security patches after the 8th combined with the inability for programs such as Antivirus programs to prevent such a an attack from happening - as I am finding out on Computers I am currently repairing – it could be bad for certain users. 

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