Tuesday, November 18, 2014

SimpleAssist Small Business WorkSync: Clip pictures and videos from your desktop or mobile device, edit, publish PDQ

SimpleAssist WorkSync: Small Business "Production"

Imagine the Microsoft Screen Clipper and MS Paintbrush on Steroids, on the front/back end respectively. Screen and video clips done with 2 clicks of the mouse, which are then transferred to the photo editor; which holds it's own as a super simple, yet deceptively powerful stand-alone editor.  

All images, not simply the clips can be converted, edited etc. Furthermore, SnagIt can be set as default editor right in Windows, and in the latest version now allows for mobile screen / video clips and training.   If I was the Oprah of tech, this would be in the top 5 of my favorite marketing /design tools "things".  

I don't give those Kudos lightly, but having used SnagIt since 2005 alongside of all sorts of varying desktop and web-based publishing / creative suites, we needed a way to easily Snag, edit, and produce constant for both sales / marketing/ client newsletters etc.  In fact, I  can get away with SnagIt for most day to day needs -  from business cards, to web content, to short training videos.  As a consultant, I often recommend Snagit over more expensive or difficult program.  Let it be known I receive no compensation or recognition from them, but maybe I'll look into it. :) 

In short, it's right in line with the SimpleAssist philosophy of finding the best tools at the lowest prices and the low "buy it / own it" at a relatively very low cost (compared to something like Photoshop), combined with the amazingly simple design, low drain on system resources and something I find important, a consistent intuitive interface that they continue to upgrade but not change to maximize functionality make it a win/win./win.  I've used every version since then, and the cost-to-value is phenomenal.  

The editor itself is worth the price of admission, especially if you're not a designer and overwhelmed by Photoshop or Corel or other more sophisticated programs.  

Details Summary

I. A resource light program that runs in the background and remaps your print screen button (or allows you to make up your own key commands) to take a screen print.   I know...  a SCREENPRINT!?  Not too exciting right?   Well, with a few clicks you can capture everything from a scrolling web-page (imagine grabbing the entire Wikipedia entry for "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_law_clerks_of_the_Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States", one of the longest ones on the site) to clipping your keystrokes and even narrative audio as a quick video quick video.

2. A fantastically easy, yet extremely powerful photo editor - seeing is believing I suppose, and the price point makes it nearly a no brainier after the trial

3. Integrated export into different programs such as YouTube (great for throwing a quick tutorial or training together).  

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